Welcome to The Curious Herb Blog

Discover the world of natural wellness and herbal remedies with The Curious Herb Blog, your ultimate destination for everything herbal. Whether you’re a seasoned herbalist, a budding gardener, or simply someone interested in the healing power of plants, our blog offers a wealth of knowledge to help you embrace a more natural and balanced lifestyle. 

Want to learn even more about herbal remedies to further your natural living lifestyle? Be sure to check out our DIY Herbal Remedies Subscription Box program and get everything you need to live a happier, healthier life sent right to your doorstep!


Filtering herbs

Natural Remedies

Learn how to make fun, herbal products like lavender hydrosol, tinctures, salves, and sprays. Here you will find info on herbal 1st aid, skincare, treatments for illness, and more.

Violet leaf photo

Herby Information

Get in-depth information about a variety of herbs from angelica to yarrow. Here you will find info on medicinal properties, cautions, preparations, and more.

Summer Pasta with Nettles

Cooking with Herbs

Food as medicine isn’t just a fun catch phrase. Here we learn to incorporate herbs into our food to make every dish more healthful.

The Curious Herb Newsletter

Explore the amazing world of herbal medicine with our Herb-of-the-Month newsletter. Each month will bring in-depth information about a different herb including its therapeutic benefits, history, uses, recipes, and so much more. Who knew learning herbalism could be so much fun!


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