Botanical Name – Viola odorata

Family: Violaceae

Energetics: cool, moist, relaxant

Taste: sweet, vegetal

Parts used: leaves and flowers

Affinities: lymphatic, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems

Actions: demulcent, emollient, lymphatic, antispasmodic, sedative, hypotensive, nervine, mild laxative

Preparations: tea/ decoction, honey infusion, tincture, oil infusion, topical preparations, vinegar

Cautions: Considered very safe for all ages.

Therapeutic Uses:

  • Violet is very useful as a sedative when you are feeling anxious or unsettled. It is a gentle nervine and can be taken as a sleep aid. A nice cup of violet leaf tea with some warm milk and honey will put you right out.
  • For use in cardiovascular issues, violet is useful for palpitations, angina, etc. 
  • As a cool and moistening herb, violet will help get your lymphatic system moving without drying you out. 
  • Violet is excellent for dry, irritated skin issues like eczema and dry psoriasis. A nice violet tea bath is lovely for this if you have the time, but you can also use the cooled tea as a compress.
  • Infusing the leaves and flowers into honey makes a nice syrup to be taken for constipation and is gentle enough to use for children.
  • The leaves and flowers can be added to salads.


**This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease. It is for educational purposes only.

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