Botanical Name – Cinnamomum verum & Cinnamomum cassia

Family: Lauraceae

Energetics: warm, moist, tonifying

Taste: pungent, sweet, astringent, spicy

Parts used: inner bark

Affinities: digestive and circulatory systems

Actions: astringent, demulcent, diffusive, circulatory stimulant, antimicrobial, hypoglycemic

Preparations: decoction, tincture, tea, cooking, cold infusions, oil infusions

Cautions: Cinnamon is a culinary herb and is generally considered safe for all ages when taking normal, culinary amounts. If you are using cinnamon in medicinal amounts (more than 2 grams/ day), diabetics taking Glucophage (Metformin) or using insulin injections need to monitor their glucose levels when taking large amounts of cinnamon. Cassia has a notable bloodthinning effect. It also contains higher quantities of coumarin, and those with existing liver issues should avoid large (>2g) daily doses. 

Therapeutic Uses:

  • With its demulcent properties, cinnamon is very useful for dehydration. A cold infusion helps hydrate the body on a cellular level especially when combined with other demulcents such as marshmallow. Be mindful that it is extremely warming so if you tend to run hot, cinnamon is not your best bet. 
  • The astringency of cinnamon makes it extremely useful for diarrhea. 
  • Cinnamon can help to lower blood sugar levels and has been studied extensively as a way of naturally managing diabetes. 
  • As a warming, circulatory stimulant, cinnamon infused in oil makes a great muscle rub.


**This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease. It is for educational purposes only.

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