Botanical Name – Melissa officinalis

Family: Lamiaceae

Energetics: cool, dry, relaxant

Taste: aromatic, sweet

Parts used: flowers and leaves

Affinities: digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems

Actions: relaxant, sedative, nervine, diaphoretic, anodyne, antiviral

Preparations: tincture, tea, cooking, poultice, wash

Cautions: Safe for all ages

Therapeutic Uses:

  • Lemon balm is an uplifting sedative which means it elevates your mood while calming you down. It works well for anxiety, agitation, and insomnia. 
  • A strong lemon balm tea every day will help with Seasonal Affective Disorder.
  • Helps relieve muscle tension due to stress and anxiety.
  • Its diaphoretic properties help the body release heat. This is useful for fevers, heat stroke, hyperthyroidism, and just generally feeling too hot.
  • Lemon balm helps to protect against viruses that attack the nerves and is particularly useful against the herpes family of viruses.


**This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease. It is for educational purposes only.

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