Botanical Name – Glycyrrhiza glabra

Family: Fabaceae

Energetics: warm, moist, relaxant

Taste: sweet

Parts used: root

Affinities: gastrointestinal system, adrenals, liver

Actions: demulcent, antitussive, expectorant, emollient, adaptogen, cortisol fixative, stomachic, digestive, harmonizer

Preparations: tea, tincture, syrup, candy

Cautions: Generally regarded as safe for all ages. Licorice increases aldosterone, which can raise blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, it is best not to take high doses of licorice and to use it in formulation not on its own.

Therapeutic Uses:

  • A sweet demulcent, licorice is an excellent herb for people with dry constitutions. It can also help to balance out a formulation that is drying.
  • Licorice is an excellent herb to add to a blend for hydrating a dry GI tract. If your stool tends to be dry and hard to pass, licorice can help with this issue.
  • Licorice helps repair a dry, damaged liver.
  • For dry, unproductive coughs, licorice helps calm the cough and moisten things up so that you can actually cough up what your body is trying to get rid of (phlegm that contains the bad stuff your body is trying to expel).
  • For adrenal fatigue, licorice is excellent for restoring balance and making the adrenals happy.


**This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease. It is for educational purposes only.

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