Botanical Name – Plantago major, rugelii, lanceolata

Family: Plantaginaceae

Energetics: cool, moist, tonifying

Taste: slightly bitter, earthy

Parts used: leaves, seeds

Affinities: digestive system; mucosal and integumentary tissues

Actions: vulnerary, demulcent, astringent, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, emollient, expectorant, hepatoprotective

Preparations: tea, honey infusion, tincture, oil infusion, vinegar, topical preparations, food

Cautions: The husked seeds are a bulking laxative, and should not be taken in the two hours before or after swallowing prescription drugs the pharmaceutical constituents can get bound up in the mucilage and render the drug less effective

Therapeutic Uses:

  • As a vulnerary, plantain can help speed up the healing of wounds. This works both externally and internally meaning that it can also help heal wounds in the digestive tract aiding in issues such as leaky gut syndrome. Plantain is also useful for external scrapes, cuts, bites, stings, etc. It is an excellent herb to have in your herbal first aid kit.
  • Plantain is very useful for breaking up biofilms which is what happens when bacteria join together. 
  • As an expectorant, plantain is useful for breaking up the mucous in dry, lung conditions.


**This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease. It is for educational purposes only.

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