Lavender Hydrosol

DIY Lavender hydrosol is such a great thing to have on hand and it’s pretty easy to make. You also probably already have the supplies you need to make it. You can purchase all of the herbs you need for this recipe in my online herb shop here.

The first time I made lavender hydrosol, I was concerned that it would be hard, messy, and yield a sub-par product. How wrong I was on all counts. The hydrosol was a little cloudy (which you want) when it was done, but mostly it just looked like the distilled water that I had used to make it. I was pretty disappointed thinking that it hadn’t actually worked. So, like any good herbalist, I tasted it, and boy was I wrong! I had absolutely made hydrosol and it was kind of awesome! I feel like it took a minute or two for the smell to show up which probably isn’t even remotely true, but I swear I couldn’t smell it at first. Now I use my lavender hydrosol every day for my facial toner, and I absolutely love it!

DIY Lavender hydrosol is great to have on-hand for:

  • Facial toner
  • A spray for sunburn relief
  • Linen spray (lavender is super relaxing and helps quiet the mind for sleep)
  • Wound care spray (it is antiseptic, helps with pain, and will help the wound heal faster)
  • Room spray
  • Bath additive
So, let’s talk now about how to make it.

First off, you will need a few supplies. 

  1. A stockpot or some type of fairly tall pot. You are going to boil the lavender in the pot, and you want the steam to rise up and condense on the lid and then fall back down into your collection bowl.
  2. A heat-safe bowl, a clean brick, or something to keep your collection bowl out of the water at the bottom of your pot. You will place this in the middle of your stockpot. It just keeps your collection bowl raised up a bit. 
  3. A collection bowl. I like to use a glass Pyrex measuring cup for this so I can then easily pour my hydrosol into the container I’m going to store it in. 

Setup for making hydrosol

Next you will need some ingredients.

  1. 1oz dried lavender
  2. 4 cups of distilled water

Now to actually make the hydrosol.

  1. Place one heat-safe bowl inside your crockpot upside down to form a little platform. Then put another heat-safe bowl on top of that one only right-side-up. 
  2. Pour in your distilled water and your lavender. You don’t really need to stir it or anything.
  3. Place the lid for the stockpot on the pot, but upside down. You want the steam to rise from the simmering lavender, condense on the lid, roll down the lid to the center, and then drop into your collection bowl.
  4. Place it on the stove and turn the stove to a medium heat just until it starts to boil.
  5. Lower the temperature so that you just get a nice low simmer.
  6. Allow the lavender to simmer for 20-30 minutes. If you let it go for too much longer, your hydrosol will start to have a slightly bitter scent to it. Make sure to keep the lid on the whole time. If you have a clear, glass lid, you can actually watch the process.

Bottle and storage

  1. Once your collection bowl has cooled, pour your hydrosol into a spray bottle. 
  2. Store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. 

Lavender Hydrosol

Lavender Hydrosol

DIY Lavender Hydrosol

This recipe is for lavender hydrosol, but can easily be made with rose petals, dried oranges, rosemary, or any other dried herb or flower.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes


  • 1 Stockpot with lid or any large, tall pot with a lid
  • 2 Heat-safe bowls 1 for collecting the hydrosol and 1 for placing upside down in your stockpot.
  • 1 4oz Spray Bottle


  • 1 oz dried lavender
  • 4 cups distilled water


  • Place 1 bowl upside down in your stockpot and place the other bowl right-side up on top of that one. This just keeps your collection bowl out of the water and herbs.
  • Pour in the distilled water and herbs.
  • Put the lid on your stockpot upside down. This allows the steam to rise, collect on the lid, roll down the lid, and drip into your collection bowl.
  • Simmer on low heat for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Allow your hydrosol to cool then store it in a cute jar or spray bottle. If you plan to use it sparingly, store it in the fridge. For everyday use, you can store it at room temperature for a couple of weeks.


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