A health tonic for help in preventing colds and flus. This is more of a general idea of making fire cider, not so much a hard and fast recipe. Use what you have and don't stress if you can't get everything. Also, feel free to add ingredients that call to you.
Wash and lazily peel ginger and turmeric then coarsely chop.
Wearing gloves, wash and coarsely chop cayenne peppers.
Wash and thinly slice lemon.
Add all ingredients except the vinegar to a large, glass jar. Pour in enough vinegar to completely cover all ingredients by at least 2-3 inches. Put the lid on the jar using a double layer of wax paper first if the lid is metal.
Label the jar with the ingredients and the date.
Shake the jar every day or so for 4-6 weeks. After 4-6 weeks, strain the liquid out and bottle.